About Us


Product Playoffs was made to help you find the best products through in-depth, unbiased, and transparent reviews. We take the top products and test them against each other to help you make the best purchasing decision possible.

Why Do We Want to Help You?

We know that making a purchase decision can be difficult. Having been through the same situation a countless amount of times, we understand the struggle. Sorting through fake reviews, advertisements,  and junk, then landing on two products that both have mixed reviews, leaving you unsure of which one to pick. Our goal is to make your final decision seamless by meticulously testing the top products against each other.

Why Trust Us?

There are a large number of fake reviews, misleading advertisements, and scraper review sites out on the web. Different sites usually serve up a number of different products and don’t really provide great reasoning as to why one is better than another. Sometimes, these sites just pull different customer reviews and summarize them, which isn’t the best indicator of what product is best.

This is the problem we want to solve.

We put in hours of testing and research into which products are the best. We research product metrics inside and out, legitimate consumer reviews, and verified expert articles to nail down the perfect product for you.

When you can’t decide between two different products, we make that easier.

As consumers ourselves, we put together reviews that we would enjoy reading to ensure that we are making the best purchase.

What is Our Philosophy?

Here at Product Playoffs we believe in integrity and value. Our philosophy is to provide consumers the most relevant and unbiased product information and testing to help them find the best value for the price.

How Do We Earn Money?

Product Playoffs participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program. As an Amazon Associate, we are compensated for qualifying purchases. Throughout our reviews you will see links to Amazon for the products we feature. When you click through one of these links and make a purchase, we receive a percentage of the transaction from Amazon. We are not biased towards which products you purchase from Amazon, and our reviews reflect no bias towards this.

Want Us to Review Certain Products?

If you have a specific product you would like us to review or two products to compare, please let us know! We love hearing your ideas and it helps us deliver the quality content that you want! You can email us at


for any requests.




Kimberly is an editor for Product Playoffs that helps review products related to beauty, services, and health. When she isn't trying to find the best things to buy, she can be found flexing her guns and buns in the gym.




Julia is a part of our team of editors and enjoys reviewing a variety of products, from beauty to cooking. When she isn't testing and writing about the best products, Julia can be seen playing beach volleyball or searching for her next sushi spot.




Carsten is an avid writer for Product Playoffs, that focuses his efforts on sports, electronics, and more. On his free time, you can find Carsten playing basketball or in the great outdoors.




Kelsey is one of our editors, specializing in writing about all categories from sports to beauty. Not only does Kelsey love writing, but she also enjoys expressing her artistic abilities on different canvases, whether it's drawing or painting.




Pio is a passionate photographer and visual artist, looking to capture the best products here in our Product Playoffs studio. You can find Pio playing sports or chowing down on some crispy chicken strips.